March 18, 2010

Cotton gin trash compost in the vegetable garden.

I use cotton gin trash/compost to grow vegetables. I get it free from a rural cotton gin. FREE! Just what a poor woman needs.

I've read the pros and cons of using cotton gin trash/compost. I'm satisfied the crumbly, black, rich stuff is fine to garden with. It has been composting for years. Garden stores are selling the same stuff under the name "Back to the Earth" and other brands, claiming they are "organic". They say their compost is safer, etc., but I'd wager there is not a dime's worth of difference.

Above is a picture I took of tomato seeds I started in 100% cotton gin compost. I used what I had available to give my seeds a good start.

I started seeds in this egg carton on March 8. They are now sitting under a cheap fluorescent grow light. I'll post more as these plants proceed.