March 24, 2010

Marglobe tomato plants are growing.

Here are two marglobe tomato plants transplanted from the egg carton (below post) into yogurt containers. They are beginning to put on their "real" leaves. The first pair of leaves are considered "baby" leaves.

I managed to save only three of the original batch. My egg carton container got knocked off and all contents spilled all over the floor. I had transplanted these before that happened. No matter. I will start more of these seeds. Stuff happens.

I only filled the cups half full in order to keep adding cotton gin compost around the stems, as they will grow taller, filling in soil around them will produce more roots around the stem, thus making the root system stronger.

I keep the small plants under the grow light 12 to 14 hours a day. When weather permits I will take them outside and let them sun as many hours as possible, bringing them in at night.

Update 04/01/10: The marglobe tomato plants are progressing nicely. Here is a picture of the progress since they first sprouted and put on real leaves. These are sitting in the sun today. Finally, the weather has warmed enough to put them out for sunning. I will continue to put more cotton gin trash/compost around the stems as they grow.