March 24, 2010

Starting old onion seeds.

This is the third season I have had this pack of onion seeds in my refrigerator. I keep forgetting to get them started early enough. They should be started in February. Onion seed does not keep much longer than a year I am told, but I hate to just throw it away. I am going to try to germinate the seeds, anyway. It's late in the year and the onion seed is old, but who knows? Some seed might just up and germinate. No harm in trying.

I got an old shoebox out of the closet, poked holes in the bottom, and filled it half way up with cotton gin compost. Then, I dampened the soil, scooped out soil in three rows by running a butter knife along the soil, scattered seeds in the indentations, and covered with soil.

The top of the shoebox was put under the bottom of the shoebox in order to keep drips down.

Next, I put saran wrap over the top, poked holes in the top of the wrap, and sat all on top of the fridge, where I'm told the soil will be kept warm.

The box was free, cotton gin compost was free, and the seeds were getting old, anyway. I haven't got much to lose. We'll see what happens.

Update 04/01/10: The onions seeds did germinate. I've read it takes onion seeds about 3 weeks to sprout. Not true here. These came up in under a week. They are scraggly, but you have to trim them often to keep them strong and maintainable. In this picture, I have them sitting on a table in the sun. I will update as the growing progresses.